Contribute to the conservation of Brazilian’s biodiversity through a donation.
IPBio is a private, non-profit institution which, despite seeking its financial independence through the creation of products and services related to research and education, has donations and sponsorships from individuals and companies as an important source of funding.
See how to contribute below.
An institutional donation can be a general donation, allowing us to allocate your resources where we believe it would be most effective, or a specific donation to a project, through which you can send us an email at contato@ipbio.org.br specifying which project(s) you would like your donation to be applied.
Can be one single donation or a *Recurring Donation.
International donation
* For a recurring donation, please tick “Make monthly donation” under the donation amount.
National donation
When making a direct donation via bank transfer, please send an email to contato@ipbio.org.br so we can thank you and also provide a receipt for your donation.
Deposit details:
CNPJ 19.418.945 / 0001-56
Banco Bradesco
Ag. 2959-9
Cc. 6402-5
Donation from the Volunteer Program
For volunteers who participate in the program, the donation is made in reais, which will be automatically converted by paypal into the currency of the country of origin. Just enter the agreed amount in the acceptance email and fill in the rest of the paypal form.
IPBio also receives donations of equipment and materials to carry out research and educational activities. Equipment donations depend on what you can offer! Examples range from office equipment (such as computers) to laboratory equipment (such as a microscope) to field research projects (binoculars / walkie-talkies). If you are interested in donating equipment, please contact us informing what you want to donate at contato@ipbio.org.br
IPBio can develop research projects and educational activities according to the focus or interest of sponsors, as long as related to biodiversity conservation.
Sponsored research may involve, for example, the study of wild plants and animals for species protection, the study of animal behavior with video production, studies of bioluminescent organisms, conservation of endangered species, among others.
Educational activities involve, for example, the realization of courses, trainings, publications, multimedia contents, thematic exhibitions, among others.
Sponsorship can take many forms, from personal sponsorship to academic, to sponsorship by companies that wish to develop social and environmental sustainability actions. If interested in sponsoring our institution or a specific project please get in contact via contato@ipbio.org.br and we can discuss the possibilities.
Fund Meaningful Travel Experiences
Got an exciting plan for your trip but financially road blocks are in the way?

If you are ready to start planning your trip but discouraged by a financial roadblock, IPBio - Biodiversity Research Institute has another solution for you. We have teamed up with FundMyTravel, who provides us with an online platform where you can fundraise for your meaningful travel experience. You create a campaign page, complete a brief profile to build trust, add a video and tell your story!
FundMyTravel has a team of dedicated staff that will help participants reach their fundraising goals. They can provide tips and insights on the best ways to spread your word and offer sharing tools to get your campaign greater exposure through social media and email. Click the button below to learn more and get started!