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BOOK – Stream Fishes of the Atlantic Forest


BOOK – Stream Fishes of the Atlantic Forest

As a result of scientific researches from a group in the Zoology Museum of the University of São Paulo, this book brings 73 species of fish, with color photos and data on their morphology, geographical distribution, habitat and behavior.


Illustrated guide produced so as to identify small fish found in the rivers of the Atlantic forest, directed to researchers, professors, students, and people who are interested in knowing more or deepen their knowledge about the Brazilian species of fish. Apart from being written in simple and objective language and besides being richly illustrated, the book discusses aspects of the ecology of the streams of the Atlantic forest in Vale do Ribeira, and it presents information about 73 species of fish with color photographs and data on morphology, geographical distribution, habitat and behavior. The book resulted from scientific research carried out by a group of researchers at the Zoology Museum of the University of São Paulo, developed within the Biota Project and financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo- FAPESP. The work involved two years of field surveys in conservation streams in Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, in the South São Paulo, Brazil. The information contained in this publication comes to fill a gap in the knowledge about animals that inhabit this ecosystem, in addition to being an excellent means for raising awareness of the need to protect the native biota of the region. Directed to: biologists, students, teachers, anyone interested in the Atlantic Forest region, fishing, fishing practitioners (as a leisure activity), environmentalists.

Authors: Osvaldo Takeshi Oyakawa, Alberto Akama, Kelly Cristina Mautari and José Cezar Nolasco.

Product Details

Weight: 16,22 ounces
Dimensions: 5,9 x 8,26 x 0,59 inches
Pages 204
ISBN: 85-99049-2-x


R$ 29.00* (SOLD OUT)

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